How can make money blogging in 3 months 2024

Monetizing a blog and earning money from it can take time and effort, and the strategies that work for one blogger might not work for another. However, here is a plan that you can follow in the first three months of blogging to help you start earning money.

Here’s the plan for making money blogging in 3 months:

Month 1 plan for make money blogging in 3 months

a guide to make money blogging in 3 months
  1. Choose a niche: Start by choosing a niche for your blog. This will help you target a specific audience, and create content that will appeal to them.
  2. Create content: In the first month, aim to create at least 61 to 79 high-quality blog posts that are optimized for SEO. This will help your blog rank higher on search engines and attract more traffic.
  3. Promote your blog: Share your blog posts on social media platforms and join Facebook groups and communities that are relevant to your niche. This will help you get your blog in front of potential readers.
  4. Build an email list: Start building an email list by adding opt-in forms to your blog. This will help you build a loyal audience and promote your blog to them in the future.

Also read – Can I make money blogging about my life?

Month 2

  1. Focus on traffic: In the second month, aim to increase your blog traffic. To do this, continue to promote your blog on social media, and consider investing in SEO to drive traffic to your blog.
  2. Guest post on other blogs: Reach out to other bloggers in your niche and offer to guest post on their blog. This will help you get exposure to a new audience and build backlinks to your blog, which can help with SEO.
  3. Monetize your blog: Start monetizing your blog by adding display ads and affiliate links to your blog posts. This will help you start earning money from your blog.
  4. Build relationships: Build relationships with your readers and engage with them in the comments section of your blog. This will help you build a loyal audience and keep them coming back to your blog.

Month 3

  1. Evaluate your progress: Evaluate your progress in the first two months and identify areas that need improvement.
  2. Optimize your blog: Optimize your blog for SEO by improving your website speed, fixing broken links, and optimizing your content for keywords.
  3. Create more content: Aim to create at least 30 to 50 more high-quality blog posts in the third month. This will help you continue to attract traffic to your blog.
  4. Expand your monetization strategies: In the third month, consider expanding your monetization strategies by offering sponsored posts or creating digital products like ebooks or courses.

By the end of the third month, you should aim to have at least 130 to 150 high-quality blog posts, a loyal audience, and multiple monetization strategies in place. While there are no guarantees that you will make money from your blog within three months, following these strategies can help you lay a strong foundation for long-term success.

Here are 3 more tips to make money blogging in 3 months:

Monetize with Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is a popular and effective way to monetize your blog quickly. Sign up for affiliate programs relevant to your niche and promote products or services that align with your audience’s interests and needs. Include affiliate links within your blog posts, and disclose your affiliate partnerships transparently to build trust with your audience. As your blog traffic grows, your affiliate income can increase significantly, providing you with a steady stream of passive income.

Offer Freelance Services: If you have specialized skills or expertise in your niche, consider offering freelance services related to your blog topic. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, consulting, or coaching, freelancing can be a lucrative way to monetize your blog and provide value to your audience. Promote your services on your blog and social media channels, and showcase your expertise through case studies, testimonials, and portfolio samples.

Create and Sell Digital Products: Another effective way to monetize your blog is by creating and selling digital products such as e-books, online courses, templates, or printables. Identify pain points or challenges faced by your audience, and develop digital products that offer solutions or valuable insights. Promote your digital products on your blog, through email marketing, and on social media to maximize your sales potential. Additionally, consider offering special promotions or discounts to incentivize purchases and encourage repeat sales.


How much can I earn from blogging in 3 months?

if you follow the strategies outlined above, you may be able to earn some money from your blog within 3 months. Here are some rough estimates of how much you might be able to earn…

If you use a display ads network like Google AdSense or Ezoic, you can expect to earn anywhere from $1-$3 per thousand pageviews (CPM). So, if you have 10,000 pageviews per month, you might earn $10-$30 from display ads in the first month, and $30-$90 in the third month.

How much can I earn from blogging in 6 months?

If you have 50,000 pageviews per month, you might earn $50-$150 from display ads in the first month, and $300-$900 in the sixth month.

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